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Dr. Aisling O’ Dwyer O’ Brien

Dr. Aisling O’ Dwyer O’ Brien graduated with a Bachelor of Arts Degree (B.A.) in Psychology and a Research Masters (M.Litt) in Psychology from University College Dublin. She completed her Doctorate of Clinical Psychology (D.Clin Psych) in University of Limerick. She is a chartered member of the Psychological Society of Ireland (C. Psychol. PsSI).

She has worked in the Health Service Executive (HSE) with children, adolescents, parents and adults. She is the founder and director of Flourish Psychological Service.

At the core of the service Aisling provides is compassion. She cares deeply about the wellbeing of others and has dedicated her working life to helping others ‘flourish’. Through therapy and/or assessment, she wants to support her clients to grow and be resilient to improve their quality of life.
