Get high quality therapy and assessments

Our services



The purpose of therapy is to support clients to cope more effectively with life’s challenges and mental health difficulties. Therapy can be useful for such issues as stress, bereavement, depression, anxiety, trauma, personality disorders and eating disorders. Therapy begins by discussing your background or history. Goals, plan for therapy and number of sessions required are decided together between a client and psychologist. As every client is unique, the type of therapy selected will be based on an individual’s specific needs. Throughout sessions, productivity and usefulness of sessions will be discussed.

Individual therapy: 60 mins | €120

Typically, meetings are weekly or bi-weekly.



The purpose of a psychological assessment is to obtain an in-depth understanding of a client with the aim of making a diagnosis and/or recommendations as appropriate. An assessment begins with a detailed interview with a client or parent. With appropriate consent, the psychologist may seek information from other people including family members, other professionals or school as required. The appropriate questionnaires or psychometrics will be selected and conducted to complete the assessment. Once completed, a report will be provided in clear understandable language.

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) assessment: €1,500 This assessment explores a child or adults difficulties with social communication, social interaction, and their engagement in repetitive and/or restrictive behaviours, to see if they meet the criteria for a diagnosis.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) assessment: €1,200 This assesment explores a child or adults difficulties with attention and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity that interferes with functioning or development, to see if they meet the criteria for a diagnosis.

Educational assessment: €1000 This assessment explores an individual’s learning ability, learning strengths and weaknesses to identify if the individual meets the criteria for a diagnosis of a Specific Learning Difficulty (e.g., Dyslexia).

Corporate Mental Health Support

It is estimated that by 2030 mental ill health will be the leading cause of disease burden globally (Patel et al. 2018). In many countries, including Ireland (HSA, 2015), the two largest categories of work-related illness are musculoskeletal disorders and a cluster of stress, anxiety & depression.

Ultimately, if an employer wants to get the best out of their employees, their mental wellbeing is always of concern. Purely from a financial standpoint it makes sense to take steps to look after the mental health of employees versus the cost of employee absenteeism and difficulties with employee retention, as a result of employee stress and ill mental health.

A proactive approach to mental wellbeing is always best.

Flourish Psychological Service is here to help you.

What is involved in corporate mental health support?

Aisling will work with your company to put together a mental health strategy that really works, providing you with the support and services you need to create a workforce that is healthier, happier and more productive.

She provides psycho-educational workshops, masterclasses, employee assistance programmes (Individual therapy- intervention 6-8 sessions) and consultancy on a range of issues. She is here to help any company, regardless of industry, size or budget available.

Employee group psycho-education programme: 2 hours | €1,000

Employee group masterclass programme: 4 hours | €1,500

Employee assistance programmes: 50 min individual therapy sessions | €120